Sunday 3 May 2009


I never thought that I'd start a blog...whenever the thought came to me I would shoo it away for what should I write in a blog? how much will I spill out? is there even a point in doing so? who is going to even read it? These thoughts are still racing through my mind as I type but I guess sitting here at the computer at 1 am with having two horrible exams left that I'm sick of studying for, starting a blog isn't such a bad idea. This time of the year is always not the best. You're sitting there studying for the few exams left and you're wondering what the hell you're going to do in the summer to make it useful, you think if you've done enough in the academic year, you think of how much time is left till you graduate, you think if you've even made the right choice of choosing what to study. You've just turned a year older and you can't help thinking of how you're a year closer to death, a year closer to getting older, a year closer to things being more difficult and having more serious problems and you can't help but think if you've made use of the years that have past, the free time you had, the opportunities that came your way, if you dealt with your problems effectively enough and if you've made every second you live actually valuable.

Because time passes and never comes back. It's 1:33 am on 2nd of May 2009 and this minute will never come back again. I have one chance to decide what to do in it. There will be a time where I'll yearn to come back to this age surely. Where I'll wish I could come back to 1:33 am on 2nd of May 2009.

But if your thoughts were always about how time is flying by and how it will never come back, you'll always be miserable, you'll always be whining and you'll always feel a lump in your throat. You'll never function properly or ever be happy and it is a blessing that our thoughts aren't always such. But what about the times like now when they are? What do you do and how do you something about it?

Every breath brings you closer to death but if you're not breathing you're already dead. I don't care whether 5 or 0 people will read this blog. These are my own thoughts but because I'm trying to work towards a 'selfless' attitude, I'm putting this on a blog online incase there's a chance that there's anyone out there who will benefit from my thoughts, however valuable or invaluable they are

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