Saturday 9 January 2010

Why Paolo Coelho is the Don...

This quote of his just did it!

'In our ''civilized'' society, we men are becoming endangered species. Testosterone is going down to the drain. There are still males capable of reproducing species, but where is the warrior, hunter, adventurer? Great loss'

Isn't that just such an accurate statement that can not be said any better?! Men have become endangered species, thus the continuous instability of the Middle East and Islamic countries, thus the continuous killing of our children, thus the continuous fitna between us! Terrorism and dictatorship continues everywhere because there are no men to fight for the truth and the oppressed.

You walk outside and see men with their wives all makeuped and beautified next to them in the best situation if not half naked that is. Where has the real masculinity gone? How come men are so happy to present their wives' beauty for the world to see! Masculinity is being defined by going to the gym and having six packs. But ask a man with his strong physical muscles to lower his gaze when a woman passes by and he is a weak little teen tiny gross chicken.

How will the Mahdi (a.s) and Prophet Isa (pbuh) appear to help us if all our men are too busy satisfying their animal needs and desires?! We are postponing the appearance of the truth and the true Islam and true democracy with our own hands.

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